The Ordeal of Lady June
I'm proud to present to you at last a completely new novel of the White Cattle Origins Series: The third volume, "The Ordeal of Lady June".
I was working on this one when an accident of life happened to me twelve years ago, and I know that many among you are eagerly waiting for its release.
I take this opportunity to thank you for your most indefectible support during all these years, welcoming the long re-rebuilding of my collection at the Worlds of Domination (MdD) Association and keeping alive your subscription to the Chariot.
Many more books are coming soon, as it was also plenty of time to draw, write and develop new projects.
Good reading
Zwanga wants to find his wife and daughters, and punish their abductors, but his Shaziri warriors are more than restive to start the search across Africa. He requires an audience with the new Caliph and will learn the awful truth about his status in Shaziiar...
Pdf document
180 pages
43 500 words & 18 Drawings